Runs: 16 YTD Cum Runs: 526
7 cm overnight on top of the scads they had this week, combined with bright sunshine and cold temps made for pretty darn fantastic AM turns.
The snow was obviously "late season" and high moisture content, thus quite slow. It was a little heavy to push around, but not wet by any means. The -12° AM kept the conditions winter-like all day no matter where you were (except the parking lot). I was worried that the sun would do damage, but even sun drenched faces like Angel Flight showed no ill effects late in the day (but we'll see how crusty it is tomorrow). Lots of folks got good turns in the Dive (which was closed yesterday) and literally hundreds climbed the walking trail up to the top of Goat's Eye's south side chutes (where Patrol had posed a sign claiming "great conditions"). The snow over there was pretty fantastic, and where you could find untracked, it was easily knee deep.
We also had lots of fun in our favourite trees under Cleavage, and in Cleavage itself -- first time this season.
The huge crowd (cars 4 km past the gate) tracked all the easily accessed stuff out by early afternoon and made for lineups on Goat's Eye by 10:30 and solid lines to the ends of the corrals at Divide all afternoon.
Last week, there was that Class 1.5 avalanche just off Fat Boy. Today, there was a Class 2.5 farther up in Eagle Basin, and what had to have been a Class 3 that took out the entire side of Quartz Ridge.
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