Runs: 23, Cum to date: 141, Average run 569 m
It dawned snowy, though there wasn't much in the way of accumulation. We started in my favourite glades, over in Black Forest. There's no one here, so getting first tracks was dead easy. These are the easiest trees on the hill, and a great way to warm up for the rest of the day.
This viz is always good on the Black Forest, but the vert is low and the runs not that long. Today, they didn't groom much over there, so the wimps in the crowd (sorry Claire) didn't have much to ski. As the day progressed it socked in from time to time. When it socks in here, it socks in big time. Note the skier on the hill (right centre). Now THAT's a white out.
Here's a shot of the top of the T-Bar, also in white out.
We just over to Gem for one run (a bit of a waste), but manage to get the vert over 10, though not courtesy of the wimps (sorry Alan & Claire) who gave in after working too hard for the earlier part of the day.
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