Runs: 22, Cum to date: 259, Average run 511 m
Total for this week: 75,815 m (248,737 vertical feet), 162 runs
I'm told there comes a time in a marathon when a runner hits "the wall"; they have run out of energy with miles to go. Every stride is a struggle. Winners figure out how to push through the wall, and fight on.
My legs are not winners.
Today, after a mere 216,000 vertical feet in 6 days, my legs decided they weren't going to work well anymore. This I learned in my first 3 runs off the groomers. It was like I was being held up on partially cooked spaghetti. "Sloppy" is inadequate to describe it. A pathetic, hopeless mess is closer. Not that my skiing on the groomed runs was all that good either.
Still, we decided to stick to mostly the groomed runs, and we again learned that the Big White grooming report is "merely a suggestion". The only way to find what is groomed is to ski to the top of it. Runs groomed today that were NOT on the grooming report? Surprise, Roller Coaster, Corkscrew, Blue Ribbon, Upper Perfection, and probably some more we didn't try. We think they groomed extra today because of the number of runs that were closed: Upper Roller Coaster & Speculation (for a race); Paradise (for another race); part of Sun Run (for yet another race).
The weather dawned weird; low cloud below the mountain base, high cloud enshrouding the mountain in fog; plus sunny spots with snow showers.
As the day progressed, the upper clouds turned to towering cumulus, and there were actually thunderstorms in the forecast. When these babies arrived, it sure looked black in places.
We tried to avoid all the nuts racing over on Ridge and spent a bunch of the morning in the Enchanted Forest off the T-Bar where there were still nice fresh lines and the tracked stuff was great.
Here's KC blasting in the crowds. Crowds of trees, that is.
By lunch it was snowing again.
And there was company for lunch: Molly the Newfie (yes, Carolyn, I thought of you immediately).
As I write this, snow showers are still passing through, and the one we're having this moment is a sun shower.
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