Runs: 25, Cum to date: 166, Average run 527 m
It was one of those days with a little bit of everything. It started sunny...
...with fresh lines everywhere courtesy of the 5 cm overnight...
...and lovely buffed corduroy...
...which Alan and Claire adore (here's Claire adoring it).
Then it socked in and started to SNOW. Fernie rates, I think.
That lasted until 3 or so, and left in its wake another 8 cm, giving some great turns in the afternoon, especially in the Black Forest area glades, and in the Terrain Park. No, I don't terrain park, but in a raging blizzard, neither does anyone else -- meaning lots of fresh tracks on groomed snow. Schweeeet.
All in all, a GREAT day, with one major exception. I started to come down with a cold last night, so far from being my usual agressive skier self, I was sick all day. We got our 10,000 vert, but I now feel like crap.
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