Runs: 20 YTD Cum Runs: 550
How can you beat a spring skiing day that starts with a clear blue sky...
...and some of my favourite runs groomed, albeit quite badly...
...on the deepest snow base to date of 170 cm, and warms up to the +10° range, warm enough to find folks in t-shirts and shorts watching the races?
The crowd was bigger than the last few weeks, and there were some lineups through the day, especially at Divide. But of course, up on the hill, things still get pretty lonely.
We saw a bunch of backcountry guys. One hiked to the top of Goat's Eye Mountain and skied back down, but wasn't thrilled about the conditions up there ( I suspect he was too early in the morning). At least 8 others skinned over to Quartz Ridge, and you can see the tracks on the left in this photo.
Now, while it looked great out of bounds, there's lots of avalanches around. There was a huge one under the North Cornice between Delirium Dive and Silver City. You can see a biggie under the rock face on Quartz Ridge. And there was this one between Goat's Eye and Delirium.
We were planning to ski Sunday, too, but the forecast called for cool temps and overcast with some snow. Fine in the winter, but knowing that everything from yesterday would have frozen to death cookies, and that the temp and sun were not going to be good enough to soften stuff, we skipped it.
But hey, we've already skied a whole MONTH this year, and will be out two more weekends, so losing a day isn't bad.
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