Vert: 8,075 m YTD Cum Vert: 306,000 m
Runs: 20 YTD Cum Runs: 601
The best days of spring skiing involve, warm temps, bright sunshine, and good snowpack...
Add to this beer & burgers on the deck, and people dressed silly, like the 3 girls I saw in bikinis, or these three guys in suits...
...and you get a great spring day.
Monday, May 18:
Vert: 5,805 Vert for 2008/2009: 311,805 m, or 1,022,720 vertical feet.
Runs: 13 Runs for 2008/2009: 614
This was not a good day. The weather was pretty miserable. There was an inversion with +3° and overcast at the top of Divide offering nice turns to about the middle of the terrain park. Then it was foggy, with 20' viz, bitter cold temps and rock hard ice that did not soften all day. It was like that to about 200' above the Village.
Below the fog layer it was soft & slushy again. On top of that, it was raining on and off through the day. Still, I guess if you are going to drink a LOT of beer and ski into a pool of icewater...
or alternatly just drink a LOT of beer, then watch people who have drank a LOT of beer ski into a pool of icewater, does rain matter?
Nice cat. Where did you find him?
He was rescued off death row. In hindsight, not the best move on my part.
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