Runs: 22 YTD Cum Runs: 383
There was more very silky snow overnight, but the 4 more cm felt like a lot more. However, it was overcast in the AM and warm, with 9 AM temps above zero. Got first track in lots of tress in the Black Forest, and elsewhere (like here on Spruce Trail/Secret)...
...and as the cloudbase rose, moved across the mountain with it. But the temps and eventual sun took the toll.
By 1:30 PM it was a sunny +6° at Ridge base and sloppy, and the snow was wet and heavy all the way to the top of the T-Bar. Even the trees off Powder chair were wet, but the stuff that had been protected completely from the sun stayed OK. By 3 PM, most had quit and were drinking beer in the +12° warmth of Raakel's deck -- including us -- or just hanging out in front of the condo.
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