Runs: 17 YTD Cum Runs: 457
From winter to spring and back to winter in a matter of days. Impressive. Cold (-12°) temps overnight has insured snow preservation, and it's only the lower traffic (Serwa's), steep high traffic (Powder Keg, Kalina's Rainbow) or just plain low runs that remain icy. The rest? Well, even the great all day sun couldn't melt/spoil the fun, as these folks in the Cliff can attest to.
The snow quality up high remains great. We made it over to Gem this afternoon, which was a good thing, as the snow in the Sun Bowl remains wonderful. We also found a way to the unadvertised grooming on Black Magic, so that was great, too. On the way back, the Powder chair was sick, so we uploaded on the Falcon Chair, giving new photo vantage points.
In fact, the snow up in the Enchanted Forest remains great, too.
My vert was low today. I have been sick all week, and today I woke up coughing badly, so stayed in bed till 9:30 while the rest of the gang got runs in. So they easily broke 10,000 m; I'm quite pleased that even diseased, I could get over 8,000 m in.
Alan & Claire seemed to like the day, as did KC.
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