Runs: 17 YTD Cum Runs: 45
Christmas Eve at Sunshine is typically quiet, and this year was no exception. I was a really nice day, but felt colder than the -10° temp because of a steady breeze. Given the proximity to the shortest day of the year, the sun really didn't show up at Goat's Eye until 11 AM or so. It's interesting skiing in morning twilight for the better part of 2 hours.
When the sun finally did show up, it was quite pretty.
More and more of the hill is opening. This morning, they opened Ewe First down to the traverse on Goat's Eye. I'm not sure I would be in a hurry to ski it, as lots of hazards are visible...
...but I saw the tracks of brave souls who ventured as far as the Wildside chute.
In the afternoon we went (as usual) to the Divide. Bye Bye Bowl was interesting. Yeah, there's a few rocks here and there (especially in the lower band where the rocks always are), but there was actually powder, too. We found about 4-6" on top of a stable sun/wind crust (that you could poke through with your pole but not well with skis).
The snow generally rocks even though it hasn't snowed for a week or so and the base is only 84 cm. I found no ice/hard scraped bits anywhere, and everything was beautifully carveable. Okay, so it's not the 15' of powder that Mammoth Mountain in California has, but it's really just fine. And there was practically no one here to enjoy it. Good for me, bad for them
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