Tuesday 21 February 2012

Ski Day 41: Once a SnowHost, always a SnowHost

Vert: 5,940 m    YTD cum vert: 246, 715 m
Runs: 10    YTD cum runs: 539

I got off the gondola at Sunshine today at Goat's Eye at 10:30, and as I was walking down the ramp, I saw two guys with a trail map out. Now, to a SnowHost, folks with trail maps are folks you talk to to offer advice. So I walked up and asked what they were looking for. They wanted "deep fresh powder" and were wondering where you found it on the upper mountain, because they couldn't find it on Goat's Eye.

From Toronto. Figures.

So I convinced them to come back up the chair with me, and we did a bit of powder running till we got to the top of Wildside, where I described to them the delights awaiting in my favourite part of the mountain. I basically took them through the post I wrote on my other blog here, pointing out the good stuff.

Then, because I wasn't working, and thus can go anywhere, I took them there via the Cleavage Traverse entrance.
Me and one of them
What we skied
One guy's board needed a wax job, and he was sticking in the snow. I told him to ride down to the Creekside for lunch, and drop his board off at the repair desk to get a wax while he ate lunch. They liked my advice and where I took them so much that one said he was going to name his first born after me.

We, too, ended up at Creekside for lunch, and while there, a young man in obvious pain hobbled in with his family. SnowHosts who see this take care of the people, so I got him to the infirmary and called ski patrol to come check him out.

And I wasn't even working today. But it explains the low vert on a big powder day that you can read about on my other blog here.

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